Nicorette Invisipatch

Smoking Cessation
Pack size
10mg x 7, 15mg x 7, 25mg x 7, 25mg x 14
£17.86, £17.85, £17.86, £29.33
Legal Status
(GSL) , (GSL) , (GSL) , (GSL)


Relieves nicotine withdrawal symptoms as an aid to smoking cessation. Helps smokers ready to stop smoking immediately and those cutting down their cigarette usage before stopping. Can also be used to aid temporary abstinence for periods of more than 16 hours. Suitable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Format and Ingredients

Transdermal delivery system in 3 sizes releasing over 16 hours:

Nicotine 25mg
Nicotine 15mg
Nicotine 10mg


Over 18 years: Patches should be worn during waking hours (approximately 16 hours) and removed at bedtime. Apply to clean, dry intact areas of hairless skin. The same site should not be used on consecutive days. Smoking cessation: Most smokers should start with one 25mg patch per day for 8 weeks, followed by one 15mg patch per day for 2 weeks then one 10mg patch per day for 2 weeks. Those who smoke fewer than 10 cigarettes a day should start on one 15mg patch per day for 8 weeks followed by one 10mg patch per day for 4 weeks. Those who experience excessive side-effects with the 25mg patch that do not resolve within a few days should change to a 15mg patch for the remainder of the 8-week course, before stepping down to the 10mg patch for 4 weeks. If symptoms persist, advice from a health professional should be sought. Cutting down prior to quitting: Starting dose as above. Those starting on the 25mg patch should transfer to the 15mg patch as soon as cigarette consumption reduces to less than 10 cigarettes per day. A quit attempt should be made as soon as possible. Those who have reduced to less than 10 cigarettes a day should use the 15mg patch for 8 weeks and decrease to 10mg for t


Over 18 years: Patches should be worn during waking hours (approximately 16 hours) and removed at bedtime. Apply to clean, dry intact areas of hairless skin. The same site should not be used on consecutive days. Smoking cessation: Most smokers should start with one 25mg patch per day for 8 weeks, followed by one 15mg patch per day for 2 weeks then one 10mg patch per day for 2 weeks. Those who smoke fewer than 10 cigarettes a day should start on one 15mg patch per day for 8 weeks followed by one 10mg patch per day for 4 weeks. Those who experience excessive side-effects with the 25mg patch that do not resolve within a few days should change to a 15mg patch for the remainder of the 8-week course, before stepping down to the 10mg patch for 4 weeks. If symptoms persist, advice from a health professional should be sought. Cutting down prior to quitting: Starting dose as above. Those starting on the 25mg patch should transfer to the 15mg patch as soon as cigarette consumption reduces to less than 10 cigarettes per day. A quit attempt should be made as soon as possible. Those who have reduced to less than 10 cigarettes a day should use the 15mg patch for 8 weeks and decrease to 10mg for the final 4 weeks. Temporary abstinence of more than 16 hours: Smokers of 10 or more cigarettes per day: 25mg patch; fewer than 10 cigarettes a day: 15mg patch. Adolescents 12-18 years: As per adults. If treatment longer than 12 weeks is required, advice from a health professional should be sought.
